15 Best books for new entrepreneurs
When it comes to the best books for female entrepreneurs, you’ll find below a list that’s not really usual. As a history major, who worked in many different industries so far, my taste in books is really complex. In this list of the best books for new entrepreneurs, you won’t find just business books. You are going to find some inspiring books, some that were written 400 years ago, but also some that help you to evolve and develop as a person, as a worker, and as a leader. Being an entrepreneur at the age of 27, I must say, that without the books on this list, I don’t think I would’ve ever got to this level. So please, have a look at these 15 best books for young entrepreneurs, and make sure to read the descriptions, since I’ve tried to get into the details of who needs each of these books!
15 Best books for female entrepreneurs – best books for young entrepreneurs
Let’s see some of the best books for female entrepreneurs, and the best books for young entrepreneurs now. You’ll find below some great books for new entrepreneurs, but also some of the best books for internet entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur isn’t just about having an idea, building a business, and living happily ever after. Becoming or being an entrepreneur means that you have to have a lot of qualities that many people don’t have. It means you have to educate yourself, and changing many things in your behavior, thinking, and acting.
Also, it means that you must learn how to stay calm, how to listen to others, and how to control yourself, your desires, and your ego. There are many things that come together when we want to become high-value people and successful entrepreneurs. On my list, you’ll see all the life changing books for entrepreneurs that have helped me a lot with my business but to evolve as a person as well on the side. I can just hope that they will help you too!
1. On Becoming a Leader

When it comes to the best entrepreneur books for beginners, we must start with the basics. Being an entrepreneur is something you have to learn, and figure out. If you’ve done a business school, you’re already in a better position, but if you didn’t, to succeed, you must learn about business. Without studying, you might just make the many mistakes entrepreneurs make and fail at some point.
So for that to not happen, here’s one of the top business books for young entrepreneurs, On Becoming a Leader by Warren Bennis. Forbes Magazine called him the “Dean of Leadership Gurus”, since he pointed out that leaders are made, they are not born. And I couldn’t agree more! This is a book that helps you understand leadership, but also the people who exemplify it. It’s a piece that shows you strategies that any of you can apply to achieve what you want. Definitely, a must-read!
2. You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero
It’s not the one of the most famous books for entrepreneurs, but it is indeed one that can help you a lot. Get ready to be inspired and read You are a badass by Jen Sincero. A refreshing, funny, but serious and direct guidance to learn to own your #bossladywannabe badass self in work, in your life, and in relationships.
Business for women, though it evolved significantly in the past years, it’s still something that we have to have the balls to do, and leave the caring, scared little girl behind to succeed. With this book, you can start transforming yourself into the entrepreneur you want to become. Good, fair, grateful, but badass. This is definitely one of the best business books for female entrepreneurs, even if it’s not about business, but it helps you become the best business owner!
3. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

I always appreciated smart diplomats. Those who work for the greater good, and help evolution. There are quite a few politicians in the history of this kind, however not enough. Niccolo Machiavelli is by far the most famous politician of all time. It doesn’t matter where you live, or where you came from, if not more, but at least once in your life you surely heard about the Renaissance brain, who lived in Florence, Italy.
You might be surprised now, or maybe not, but one of the best books for young entrepreneurs was actually written 500 years ago. Machiavelli wrote the Prince in 1513. A book that’s considered the father of modern political philosophy, one of the real life changing books for entrepreneurs. It’s basic. A basic that you can’t skip if you want to understand how levels of business and politics work. And let’s face it, if you are up to something big, you can’t make it happen without understanding the basics. The Prince is one of the best books for future leaders, that I’ve read first when I was 18 years old.
4. The Art of War by Sun Tzu

The Art of War by Sun Tzu is another basic book for every leader, entrepreneur, business owner, CEO, politician, and well, everyone who just want to learn strategy, and tactics. When you’re looking for life changing books for entrepreneurs, the Art of War is a must-read! This book is older than the previously mentioned work from Machiavelli.
The Art of War is more than 2000 years old, attributed to the military strategist Sun Tzu. It’s composed of 13 chapters where each is devoted to an aspect of warfare and how it applies to military tactics and strategies. When it comes to books for new entrepreneurs you must understand that business is a game, a smart, difficult game that you need to be prepared for. Learning strategies, and expanding your mind to apply them is a must.
Don’t get confused by the side that it’s a military strategy book. Business, as well as war, is like a strategy game, like chess. One bad move and you’re off. One bad decision, and you might lose everything. Learning strategy, and applying it is one of the most important steps to do, and because of this, the Art of War is one of the best books to read for female entrepreneurs, but actually to anyone!
5. F**k It by John C. Parkin

F**k it by John C. Parkin is my favorite of all the books I’ve read the past two years. I’m still waiting to find something that’s even better. This isn’t a spiritual book, or religious, or anything like that, as you could already tell from the title, but it is indeed one of the best life changing books for entrepreneurs, and in usual for anyone who just wants to learn more about how to deal with their feelings, their ego, and how to handle their lives a better way.
When it comes to the best books for future leaders, I do sustain the theory that you can’t be a great leader, a decent, loving, caring person, and a badass entrepreneur all in one, if you don’t work on yourself. Learning to let go of things, learning to not give a f**k about things that 90% of the population cares about, and if you learn that the everyday problems aren’t actually problems, but little tasks that you must sort out without stress, that’s key. Before you learn to let go of everything and anything that puts some kind of pressure on you, you can’t fully concentrate, and you can’t evolve on becoming a better person.
F**k It will definitely help you with this evolution and learning to say f”k it for everything that’s not actually important, but you thought all your life that they are. It’s beautiful to be on the side where you already understood this. It will help you see the world, and your life in a completely different, better way. If you’re just starting out, this is definitely one of the best books for young entrepreneurs, to work on emotional strength and presence.
6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

If we’re looking to find the best books for female entrepreneurs but also the most famous books for entrepreneurs in usual, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is definitely on top of the list! If you’re searching for books for new entrepreneurs, this is an absolute must-read for everyone! If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re new, and especially if you’re into the online business, I must highlight it also as the best books for internet entrepreneurs too!
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has been the #1 bestseller for a long, long time, and it is still a book in high demand. It offers an integrated, principle-centered, holistic approach for solving your personal and professional problems to become highly efficient. A perfect piece that if you combine with some of the other books on this list, you’ll definitely become the great person and entrepreneur you want to be!
7. First, Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham

A message for entrepreneurs? First, Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham I’d say is one of the top business books for young entrepreneurs! The management bestseller where the writer presents a remarkable finding of Gallup’s in-depth study of more than 80.000 managers. Within the collected data, it reveals that despite changing or varying styles or backgrounds, all great managers share one common trait.
What it is? They don’t hesitate to break sacred business rules if they’ve got that feeling that it will work. In this book, you can learn vital performance and career lessons for management at all levels. It’s also a great guide to apply what you learn about management to your specific situation. It is definitely one of the best books for young entrepreneurs to develop their managing skills and knowledge.
8. The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins

This book is an absolutely life-changing one, one of the best books for internet entrepreneurs, but also a great highlight for the best business books for female entrepreneurs. The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins is what every new entrepreneur needs to read. We all get messy, burned out, or just sick of everything when we start a new business. Also, those who already have experience in this, you know that at the beginning we want to do it all, and we want it all now.
Now, this many times can turn into a big failure, but with this book, you can actually get the best help for that failure not to happen. The Harvard Business School professor, Michael Watkins shares a road map to help you take charge in the first 90 days of a new business, or a new management position. It’s a guide to avoid common new-leader mistakes and to secure critical early wins. It’s kind of a how-to guide to establishing yourself in your new role, or as a business leader.
9. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

This is the book that’s probably one of the most famous books for entrepreneurs when it comes to online business. Maybe you’re aware, maybe not, but online businesses are just booming, and everyone is trying to become either a freelancer, a blogger, or anything that describes the digital nomad business and lifestyle. It’s a great pick for books for new entrepreneurs who are looking to find their career path in the online world.
The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris is a bestseller, and it became really famous all around the world quickly. Since everyone’s looking for the easy-fix, where you don’t work 40 hours a week, and you can live where you want, enjoy life. This book is a guide on how to get the right mindset and build a business that allows you that freedom you seek.
10. Click Millionaires by Scott Fox

Are you searching for the best books for internet entrepreneurs? Well, Click Millionaires by Scott Foxi is definitely one of them! As I’ve mentioned before, more and more people try to build an online business instead of a physical one, and new generations are already more interested in everything online. Well, the possibilities are indeed better, especially if you don’t have funds. Click Millionaires is one of the top business books for young entrepreneurs who are looking to get into the online business!
E-commerce businesses are booming, and this book is focusing on how to combine outsourcing and automated online marketing to get that cash flow. The book is teaching you how to build an online business, and this includes all the tools that are available. It’s a great reading to start an online business, but don’t forget, one book is never enough!
11. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

I have first found The Secret by Rhonda Byrne when I was 14. My mother was reading it, and since I’ve had the hardest period of my life, after a loss that I couldn’t digest for another 10 years after, I thought I’ll read the Secret, let’s see if it could help. This is one of the best life changing books for entrepreneurs, but for everyone who just wants to put their lives in order, and take a positive path, where you could build a life for yourself where you’re happy and fulfilled.
Reading a book doesn’t change our lives, but it’s the first step on the road. I’ve read the Secret more times over the years since as we learn and evolve, get older, experience new things, it’s always good to freshen up and integrate the things into our lives a book like this can teach us. The Secret is about the Law of Attraction, how it works, and it’s a guide to make your life better. To understand things in and around you that you didn’t understand before.
I had to add this book to the list of the best books to read for female entrepreneurs because as I already mentioned, I do believe that we can’t look to just one side of the coin. We can’t become successful entrepreneurs, high-value people, and good individuals who are present and connected to the NOW, and this world. We must evolve both personally and professionally to become our best selves. And when I say our best selves, I mean people who value things like, peace, evolution, love, care, patience, dreams, and bravery. Who wants to do something good in this world. And that’s why the Secret is one of the best books for future leaders.
12. What they don’t teach you at Harward Business School by Mark H. McCormack

Alright, so this one I’m reading while I’m writing this article. What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School by Mark H. McCormack is a new favorite, and a great pick for books for new entrepreneurs. This is a book that’s highlighting a really important factor of being an entrepreneur. We all know that those things you learn at university might be really much different when it comes to real life, and placing all that in practice.
For those who have been to business school, it covers the part that they don’t learn when it comes to the day-to-day experience of running a successful business. A business school gives you an education in business. What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School is filling that gap between education and reality when it comes to business. A bestseller, that could be easily one of the top business books for young entrepreneurs!
13. The Problems of Work by L. Ron Hubbard

Now, you’ve already seen how many different aspects, how many books with different arguments, different aspects, and different messages I’ve listed. Here’s another unusual one for this list! The Problems of Work by L. Ron Hubbard I believe is a must-read for those looking for the best books for female entrepreneurs, but actually for anyone working as an employer or an employee.
Scientology is seen by many as a cult, but it’s not all about that. While I’ve been living in East Grinstead, in England, from where Scientology started, I learned, that there are actually tools within Scientology that can help anyone, and not just those involved in it. As its name is saying, this line is absolutely focusing on transforming people into high value persons, success, career, and the evolution of business and creating an overall better lifestyle.
There are many useful things about behavior, work ethics, work problems, and emotional reactions that we must learn when it comes to working. Whatever position we’re working in, understanding the way people think and act could definitely help us in our personal evolution, as well as in our career. This book is going to help you understand!
14. Surrounded by idiots by Thomas Erikson

This is the book I bought right before the European countries went under lockdown, and I did my last pre-lockdown trip from London to Barcelona 4 days before Spain went under lockdown. When it comes to understanding others, handling different types of people, Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson is definitely one of the best books for young entrepreneurs.
During the pandemic, many of us chose to focus inside, and work on ourselves. This book was the perfect start for my self-development period, which for many felt like torture, but for me it was life-changing. To be successful, you don’t have to be emphatic (though it’s a real value), but you must understand people. Every good leader you ask would tell you, that one of the keys of their success is understanding, seeing people, and being able to handle them.
Surrounded by Idiots is a book that can teach you about different personalities, personal qualities, and behaviors, and also highlight how to handle people as such. The more you understand others, the better you can find the common word with anyone. And in business, that’s a key!
We also know that women tend to choose the smart way, the woman way for business, so for them is even more important to read this. I feel like it is absolutely one of the best books to read for female entrepreneurs!
15. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso
Alright, so since we’ve been continuously talking about the best business books for female entrepreneurs, we must add the best one it this specific category, and that is #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso. The original text that started a strong movement, the book is a sassy part-memoir and part-business biography of Nasty Gal’s Sophia Amoruso.
She is a fashion entrepreneur who started selling vintage clothing on eBay while she was working at an art school in San Francisco. Many women around the world were inspired by this book, and the support of female entrepreneurs has been increased since this book came out. Also, you can find now GIRLBOSS on Netflix, a newer series inspired by the book. One of the must-read books for new entrepreneurs!
Wrapping up the 15 best books for female entrepreneurs
Within each of the above books I tried to share as much as possible, yet not to write way too much about these 15 of the best books for young entrepreneurs. I tried not to share way too much, but I believe I managed to highlight everywhere the values of each of these works, and why you should read them. Some of the top business books for young entrepreneurs were listed among self-development, mindful, and inspiring books, that all together could give you great knowledge to hit the road of entrepreneurs. With some of the most famous books for entrepreneurs, I believe you’re not ready to start reading and learning!