10 Tips To Organize Your Week Like A Boss
Sometimes, when you sit down to organize your week, weirdly enough you’ve suddenly got something else to do. Laundry to fold, dinner to cook, pets to walk. I get it. It’s hard to know how to effectively plan your week, especially if you’re working from home like I am. Sometimes, you just want to drop everything and go have a lil’ shopping spree. And that’s why we’re here today – to show you how to plan your week to be productive.
If you’ve arrived on Boss Lady Wannabe, that’s because you want to learn how to maximize your performance and be happier in your work life and personal life. Follow our 10 easy tips and you’ll rule the world – in bonus, we’ve added our weekly planner printable to help you break down all your tasks into digestible pieces!
10 Tips To Organize Your Week Like A Boss

Learning how to organize your week is crucial to your success. Success is almost never an overnight thing, and it requires consistent work. When you plan your week ahead, you give yourself all the keys and discipline you need to create a consistent, compound success scheme in your life.
Little by little, step by step. How do I plan my week? Read on to see, and in turn, you will also know how to organize your workout week to add a bit of PE to your success schedule. Learn how to organize your week now!
1. Organize Your Week: Have an Overview of Your Week

Having a thorough overview of your weekly activities is the first step to know how to plan your week ahead. You can use a cute weekly planner to define free-time activities and work tasks. Use colors if you use a weekly planner with to do list, so you can keep track of where you’re at during the week. I love highlighting my “Done” tasks – once I’m done with most of my work, it is so satisfying to see I’m seeing the end of the day on my weekly planner with times!
If you can plan for two weeks in advance, at least some of your tasks, you can plan even bigger events like getting out of the city for the weekend, or take one more day off to spend with the kids. The more planning, the more true free time in the end!
2. How To Plan Your Week To Be Productive: Brainstorm

This point on how to plan your week ahead goes with the previous one. It is essential to brainstorm properly to know how to organize your week. Be logical when you break down your work and activities – use color-coded columns, a different pen for a different activity… I have found that to know how to organize your week, the simple fact of using colors is really helpful. I might have considered it useless in the past – much like bullet journals – but I now consider both an essential element to know how to organize your workout week, work tasks, and free moments.
When you wonder “How do I plan my week?”, think of all the possible meetings and appointments you’ve committed to but haven’t marked down. In addition, write down what you would really like to make time for this week – a manicure appointment, going to the local markets with your family… You must write down everything to have a good overview of how to plan your week ahead.
3. Organize Your Week: Plan Your Timings

When you wonder how to plan your week ahead, having a weekly planner with times can help you see your timings better. Little by little, you will know roughly how long every task takes you. I personally now use a cute weekly planner with to do list to break down my big tasks.
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For instance, if I need to write an article, I’ll break it down following pictures, keywords, plan, and then the final writing. I roughly know how long each of these tasks takes, and I try to stick by them as much as possible – and even break my record whenever I can.
4. How To Plan Your Week To Be Productive: Don’t Do Too Much

The biggest mistake when you try to figure out how to organize your week is trying to pack in too much. When you plan your week ahead, you try to see how to organize your workout week, and try to add all your activities, the kids, your husband or wife, this exhibition that is shutting down next week, and meal prepping. That’s a lot for one person.
How do I plan my week? I try and see how I’ve planned my past weeks, what I’ve been able to do and what tasks have overflown onto this new week. That way, I can write down one or two more tasks to try and push myself. Any more than that is torture that you’re self-inflicting – we’re trying to be productive, there’s no use shattering pieces of your self-esteem by planning too much if you know you won’t possibly make it!
5. Organize Your Week: Do Not Decrease Your Resting Time

When you try to figure out how to plan your week to be productive, one big mistake is decreasing your resting time. Your beauty sleep is important. Your me-time is important, and you need to take proper breaks to rest and feed yourself during the day. We always try to pack on so much and end up neglecting ourselves.
If you want to know how to effectively plan your week, get yourself a cute weekly planner, and write down all your resting time slots. Respect them. They will help you feel recharged and you’ll be able to take on more. That’s how you get more productive at your work.
6. How To Effectively Plan Your Week: Meal Prep

This is such an important part when you try to figure out how to plan your week to be productive. On a daily basis, cooking breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all the snacks in between takes a huge amount of time. To organize your week and be productive at work, meal prepping is the solution to gain free time during the week. I know that cooking a great part of a Sunday when you’d like to be free to laze around on the couch might not be a brilliant perspective.
However, to know how to effectively plan your week, you’ll need to be free from the “chores” from Monday to Friday. There’s already so much to be done than for most people, getting your hands dirty at 8 pm on a Wednesday is not mouthwatering. Plus, meal prep allows you to eat nutritious meals during the week because you’ve already decided on everything and are less tempted to order Chinese or pizza.
7. Organize Your Week: Plan Delays

When you write down how to organize your week, you sometimes overestimate your strength and mindset. Of course, everything you write down when you plan your week ahead should be respected. How to organize your workout week in addition to the rest must be done thoughtfully though. If you know you have a birthday party on a Tuesday night, maybe it’s useless to plan tasks from 8 am the following day? I’m talking from a freelancer point of view, of course, but this common-sense applies to any of us.
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How do I plan my week? Once again, I write down everything I’m doing this week. But I also plan delays according to activities and outings I really want to do this week. I think that living a life where you can only have fun one night an evening is not a life worth living. As such, I try and make sure that I can go out for dinner or a long walk or a monument visit at least twice a week. It really does make a difference when you put self-care first. You can’t make a horse run on fear, and you can’t make a human run on stress forever.
8. Weekly Planner Printable: Your New BFF

Ah, the famous weekly planner printable I was talking about to know how to plan your week ahead better. A weekly planner with to do list, I’ve tried using it quite a few times in the past. But I found that to organize your week, you could also just make a list of things to do in a normal notebook. How wrong I was.
A weekly planner printable really forces you to be disciplined, and that’s what lots of us are lacking in our era. It’s not that easy to stay motivated when you’re building a business or trying to figure out how to make it in your field. A weekly planner printable is kind of a friend that gently reminds you that you’ve got all of this to do to feel at peace at the end of the day.
In the end, I think that all that you’re doing to see how to plan your week ahead must ultimately make you feel happy. If you’re feeling more stressed and tense, you’re either planning too much or doing the wrong job. In any case, follow my advice: get yourself a weekly planner with times and follow your own rules.
9. Organize Your Week: Use The Commute

This is really up to you when you work out how to plan your week ahead, to see whether you want to use the commute time or not. On a cute weekly planner, you can write down easy, boring tasks that you can do on the bus or on the metro. I personally see commute time as precious time I can use to make Pinterest pins, plans for my articles, or answer emails before I arrive wherever it is I am going to.
That’s where a weekly planner with times is important to me – I have an overview of what not-so-fun tasks have to be done. Plus, knowing I’ve exploited all my empty time makes me feel really good. However, on a weekly planner with to do list, you can mark down the commute time as resting time. It’s up to you to see how you’re feeling and what you need to do to be more productive: rest or work.
10. How To Effectively Plan Your Week: Review Your Week

One of the best ways to know how to organize your week is to review your past week. That’s where a weekly planner printable is so useful – it doesn’t take any space and you can always check back on how you’ve done the past days. How do I plan my week, personally? I try to understand where I have planned enough tasks and where I have overestimated my abilities. To become a master at how to plan your week ahead, you must become very lucid about your abilities in terms of sleep, performance, food, etc.
If you regularly overestimate yourself on how to organize your workout week plus personal activities, you risk burning out. Burn out is very serious, and it can make you lose your passion, mental health, and self-esteem. Be ready to push your limits, but be aware of those limits when you plan your week ahead.
Wrapping Up 10 Tips To Organize Your Week Like A Boss

Knowing how to organize your week and how to use a weekly planner with to do list will change so much in your day-to-day life. I used to be the not-so-organized type, but I promise that with a cute weekly planner with times, my life has gotten way easier. I just needed to organize my thoughts, and as a writer, doesn’t paper look like a promising means of translating your thoughts?
Now that we’ve shown you how to plan your week to be productive, all you need is our weekly planner printable and colored pens to break down all your tasks into easy-to-complete pieces. Becoming a master about how to effectively plan your week will take only some tweaking – you’ll be ultra-productive in no time! And if you want to get even more efficient at your work, follow our tips to separate your work and free time – for real!