10 Best entrepreneur morning routine ideas
I remember during my teenage years how many articles I was reading about billionaire morning routines in my favorite online magazine. At that time, I always thought, I’ll just read it, and once maybe I’ll have the chance to start practicing a morning routine for successful people. The issue was, that 10 years had to pass to realize, that you don’t need a specific life or wealth situation to start a morning routine for entrepreneurs, but you can start even tomorrow. If you’re looking for great morning routine ideas, below you’re going to find my best tips about my morning routine that I’ve been practicing for a year now!
10 Best entrepreneur morning routine ideas – The billionaire morning routine tips
When it comes to the morning routine of successful people, there’s one important rule you must understand! A millionaire morning routine isn’t adapted from one day to another. This needs practice, patience, and perseverance in order to adopt a miracle morning routine into your everyday. Now, my morning routine obviously doesn’t include each and every day everything you’ll read below, but I’m mixing up to do one day this, and the other day that.
This is a morning routine checklist that you can teach yourself to stick to, and I guarantee that your days will start better. An entrepreneur morning routine can depend on many things. First of all, the question is where you’re working from? Are you working from home or in an office? Are you traveling a lot? Do you need to wake up early, or you’re the 8-9 am a person?
1. Yoga

The first of the morning routine ideas we must start with is Yoga! It is the best morning routine for entrepreneurs since yoga is boosting both your mental and physical health and presence. My first point each day on my morning routine checklist is yoga. I get out of my bed, I have my yoga mat right near the bed, so the first thing I do when I open my eyes is that I know I’ll be doing yoga.
I always put the coffee in my Bialetti Moka to get ready, and in the meantime, I do a quick yoga routine. It’s not a complicated one that takes ages. I do a few stretching exercises for my neck since I’m all day in front of my laptop, that’s needed. Then, I have a combination of Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Adho Mukha Virasana.
Then, a few standing positions like Virabbhadrasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, but also for my back, Halaasana. It’s a combination of 15. I do believe in the freedom of the person, so if you try all the yoga positions that exist, you will find the best 15 to put together. You can do a 5 minutes morning yoga routine that’s basically personalized for you!
2. Meditation

Since we have to consider the time we have available in the morning, this millionaire morning routine can be combined with yoga too. If you’re already practicing yoga from a longer time, you can do a specific level of meditation during your yoga practice. Obviously, if you’re not sitting down and doing just meditation, it can’t be as effective as it could. However, 10 minutes of meditation after waking up is definitely a miracle morning routine.
You give yourself and your mind some time to catch up with each other, you can clear your mind and reconnect with your body in the present. It’s the best way to clear every negative thought, and organize yourself for the day spiritually as well as mentally. Meditation is the top morning routine of successful people for all the reasons I have just mentioned above. If you’re looking for a millionaire morning routine, make sure that you schedule 10 minutes in the morning for meditation. This can be done on the side of a physical routine, or instead of it those days you don’t have enough time for both. However a workout is really much needed too!
3. Drink 2 glasses of water

Okay, so the first thing that’s key when we speak about a miracle morning routine, and your morning routine checklist is drinking water! There’s no day when my morning routine wouldn’t start with water. In the evening, I’m taking with me to my bedroom a glass of water, that in the morning when I wake up, I drink it straight away before getting out of bed. This is what basically turns on all the organs, your brain, and even the smallest cellar in your body, so starting the morning with a glass of water is not up for discussion!
Water is good for everyone, but when it comes to the morning routine for entrepreneurs, all of you entrepreneurs know very well that you need to be on top of everything from the first moment you start working. We can’t allow ourselves to not be in the mood to work, and not be present. Drinking water is the cheapest, and best way to start your day, and it is a key factor in entrepreneur morning routine! The second glass, depends on how you organize your morning, but my morning routine fixes that right after having breakfast.
4. Coffee and breakfast

Now, breakfast is different in every country. In some places, big rich breakfast is the tradition, in other places sweet breakfast, and then there are the cereal lovers. In Italy, we eat sweet bakery products like brioche with cream. In this country, eating a lot for breakfast isn’t a morning routine checklist item. Small and easy breakfast that’s also sweet. That’s what works well here.
It is absolutely up to you what you’re eating for breakfast! From what I experienced after living in Hungary, England, and the United States before Italy is a small, light breakfast is the best. Before Italy, I’ve been eating a lot in the morning, or something that’s not at all light, and I felt it not just on my weight, but on my ability to concentrate in the morning. Your stomach just woke up, so if you give him so much work so early, I believe it’s just going to slow you down. So, when it comes to morning routine ideas, I prefer the Italian way. Milky coffee, and a creamy brioche.
5. Being grateful

Being grateful is actually the first in my morning routine, before water, before yoga. When I open my eyes, I can see outside the window the beautiful buildings, the trees, birds, and if the sun is shining, it’s even better. The morning routine of successful people involves gratitude! You wouldn’t believe what a miracle morning routine is, to start your day with the first thing being that you look around you, and you’re being grateful for everything you see.
Even being grateful that you’ve woken up in your cozy bed, you can see your flowers in the window, or you’ve got your partner on your side. Every single thing that you have, you have to be grateful for. This is a simple rule of the law of attraction, and a key factor for positive thinking. Starting your morning with gratitude will generate happiness inside you.
Happiness generates positive energy. And as we know, positive energy attracts positive energy. So again, the very first step in a millionaire morning routine is to meditate. Turn off your mind, and reconnect with yourself.
6. Peaceful moments

You might not be the person who can or likes to meditate. In that case, your other option for a perfect morning routine for entrepreneurs is to find your peaceful, quiet moments in the morning instead. That can be in your bed, on your balcony, in a park, or wherever you prefer. Like a summer morning routine, this is even better if you can do it outside, in nature, on the seaside, or in the mountains for more than 10 minutes, obviously.
Anyhow, a billion dollar morning routine tip is to either meditate, either find a peaceful place. Take a few minutes, and enjoy what’s surrounding you without phones, other people, or thinking about anything that would affect you. This is basically a type of meditation, you just do it with open eyes, while noticing and taking in your surroundings. The reason why I said that it’s better if you can do it outside is that you then can actually enjoy the energy of nature this time.
7. Diary – To Do List

Once I’ve had my coffee, breakfast, yoga, water, and everything in between, the next step on my morning routine checklist is to have a look at my diary, and my to-do list. This should be actually a basic morning routine for entrepreneurs since you have to organize your thoughts to focus on what you have to do during the day.
Diaries, to-do lists, daily, and weekly planners are important to stay productive and not forget essential things you should do. If you need tips to organize your week, check out our post for that! If you’re the person who wants to stay always productive, one of the best morning routine ideas is definitely to have a diary and plan in advance. With that, you can always stay organized, and check those things you’ve completed.
8. Shower

Now, they say shower in the morning is great. Indeed it will help you tune your body and mind, wake you up, and freshen you up. A billion dollar morning routine includes the morning shower! For me, this one routine never worked out, since in the morning I’m rather focusing on spiritual and physical well-being, so I do yoga, meditate, eat, and take my vitamins.
While the shower is a great booster, I personally always preferred evening showers. Ideally, I do two a day, but if I’m working from home and I don’t have to leave the house that day, I go with my evening relaxing shower along with some lavender oil. Yet still, if this worked out for me differently, showering in the morning is definitely the best morning routine of successful people! Now, again, this depends on preferences, and if you work from home like me, or you have to go in an office.
9. Running/cycling/swimming

A morning workout is proven to be a great booster to your body and your mind. It’s also proven that for those who want to lose weight, the morning is the best time to do workouts. A millionaire morning routine is to do some activity. Yoga itself is a miracle morning routine, but outdoor activities are a better booster. Especially if you’re looking for a summer morning routine!
Going for a run, or swimming, or cycling, these are the types of morning activities that can really give you a huge boost for the day, and well, for your overall well-being. If you can manage to implement in an entrepreneur morning routine 30 min jogging, cycling, or swimming, you will always start working with much more energy, and you will be more focused as well. A morning run routine is great! If you ask me, I prefer cycling, and especially during the summer, I do at least 3-4 morning routes before I start working.
10. Healthy snacks

Now, if you’ve generated all the positive energy and all the boost for your body you need, it’s time to think about the later hours of the morning. Healthy snacks are the step in a morning routine for entrepreneurs that can’t be ignored. These snacks can be anything from different nuts, cereal bars, almonds, pistachios, smoothie bowls or simply fruits.
Important is to give your body something healthy to keep staying on top and keep your high energy level until lunchtime. Avoid eating sweets as snacks, chips, cooked food, or any type of unhealthy snacks. Also try to avoid milky products after your morning coffee, since milk is also a factor as all others mentioned before to slow you down. These types of food are which instantly make your energy level drop, and you lose your focus. A billion dollar morning routine is to always do healthy snacks!
10 best morning routine for entrepreneurs
As I said, you can put together your own morning routine of successful people. Combine some of the above millionaire morning routine tips, and use create your own routine with the things to love to do in the morning. My morning routine is somewhat different than many people do, but in each case, important is to do what you love, what makes you happy, and what gets you ready physically and mentally for the day. A great entrepreneur morning routine involves spiritual care (meditation, yoga, peaceful moments), health notes like food, snacks, water, sports. Then, there’s the energy booster, like healthy snacks, outdoor activities, water, vitamins, and shower even.